Monday, June 25, 2012

America vs China; C81, why do you pray for war?

View Post cancer81 wrote:
Thread source: 'Rating downgrade - beginning of the end, hyperinflation next'
fiscal prudence for the american administration?
not doing quantitative easing?
raising funds by actually raising taxes and collecting revenue?
promises are almost "meant" to be broken.
anihow, even the MOST conservative would not think up a plan like that. They would rather attempt to sanction other nations in a bid to bring back American Jobs for the American People.

sometimes, I tot I seen enough BS. I guess the world will continue to surprise me.
the American voting bloc, essentially like to pay less taxes and get loads of social benefits from federal programs. Even the conservatives. Especially the conservatives. I will take World War III instead. That actually has a resolution in sight over empty promises and guarantees given an administration whose leader needs to be "voted" in by the American people.
thank you very much. People's Republic of China, you know what to do
Guess it would be difficult for a country built on the premise of free trade and capitalism to "sanction other nations in a bid to bring back American Jobs for the American People." Unless they can think up of other reasons but then again, with its main trade deficit party being the kindly Chinese govt upon which the credibility of the USD pivots, which US President will now dare offend his country's major creditors?

"I will take World War III instead."
- U are nuts to advocate war. In anycase, the Chinese govt much aware of its own legitimacy issues (communist era, non-democracy legitimized govt) will try too hard not to offend China-US relations so as to keep up the semblance of normality locally- Chinese goods being desirable and paid for in USD endlessly (USD provided by CNY govt earned through taxation of USD profits by Chinese factories)- for now, there is enough clout and power between the corporate capitalist in the top 2 economies to maintain this sense of normality- at the expense of a burgeoning sovereign debt that upon implosion, will serve to embarrass both leaderships, though the Chinese more than their Western counterparts since literacy and political participation seems more curtailed in China than it is in the USA along with the greater prevalence of corruption and oppression extant in China.

Maybe hyperinflation will rear its ugly head, perhaps the world will indeed evolve towards having one elite government after all faith in currency and the current government is internationally lost.

America cannot go on quantitative easing without the inherent consequence of (hyper)inflation and major embarrassment to the Chinese government at the development lost consequent to bond values lost to inflation/ haircuts.

I hope that WW3 will never come...

PS: "People's Republic of China, you know what to do "
- what did U mean by this?
26June2012: 'Rating downgrade - beginning of the end, hyperinflation next'

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