Saturday, September 24, 2011

Re: Thanks to GIC investment, UBS and friends entertain themselves at Singaporean's expense.

3 quick objections in succession I see...
Originally Posted by specialk78 View Post
erm but all these were already booked prior to the discovery..furthermore they r a sponsor of the F1 too...if they dont entertain their top pte banking clients it would be worst...they will prob take the chance to assure their top clients that e bank is still intact & not gonna collapes & do other service recovery..

Friday, September 23, 2011

Re: GIC is sitting on a substantial loss close to US$7.4 billion on its UBS stake

Originally Posted by terkan View Post
The problem with GIC and Temasek is that they are run by politicians who are misfits in the financial world because of their mindset. First thing politicians do is to push the blame away. Second thing is that they hide everything good or bad.
In investment, objectivity is key. If you make a mistake, it is ok since there are risks involved in any investment. We must not hide the mistake and therefore take no action in case we are found out.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I find Ang Mo Kio Town Council 100% liable for the damages caused by falling rotten tree.

I find Ang Mo Kio Town Council 100% liable for the damages caused by falling rotten tree.

Thanks to GIC investment, UBS and friends entertain themselves at Singaporean's expense.

Source: 'For UBS, austerity hard to balance at Singapore F1 race': [Reuters, 22Sept2011]

Is Dr Tony Tan principally responsible for GIC's S$10 billion UBS investment loss (paper) this year?

Is Dr Tony Tan principally responsible for GIC's S$10 billion UBS investment loss (paper) this year?

Re: GIC is sitting on a substantial loss close to US$7.4 billion on its UBS stake

Originally Posted by RedDotter1 View Post
Eh, didn't you know it's more strange why counting witnesses are asked to appear at the counting centre only and not all the way from voting stations to counting centers. On route switched boxes also dunno. You watch Magic's Greatest Tricks revealed right?
Ask around and a lot of pp tells me they didn't vote for TT le..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Re: Since when buy/ sell property must pay GST?

Originally Posted by leechron (10-09-2011, 10:19 AM) View Post
Simple rule : For all residental property no GST, apart from that all need GST.
My pt is simply:
Goods and Services Tax (GST) as the name goes should primarily be classified as a consumption tax.

Monday, September 19, 2011

PM Lee: I am the government.

PM Lee (implied): "Citizens are like civil servants, they serve the government under "non-political" PAP-PA MP/ MP-wannabe advisers to grassroots."
PM Lee (implied): "_ __ the government"

Friday, September 9, 2011

Does SG Govt waste public time, money on dirty tricks trying sullying the name of opposition MPs?

Statutory boards attempt land grab at opposition constituencies [link][STpict] to dispossess opposition MP run town councils of properties.
Waste public monies and parliamentary time on fragmented, inefficient or even absent ground maintenance programmes and the resultant agitation of opposition parliamentarians to complain due to PAP conspiracies to sully the reputation of opposition run town councils (through the deliberate absence of ground ownership demarcations through the deliberate grab and then neglect of land in opposition constituencies).

Since when buy/ sell property must pay GST?

B.C. thinks that very soon, those who want to withdraw their bank monies/ CPF/ claim insurance monies would soon have to pay GST on the amount claimed/ withdrawn.
It seems that SG govt intends to impose GST tax on 'capital' from now on?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Re: Indian FT Doctor escaped Jail for Molest!

Originally Posted by JUSTSPOREAN View Post
Aiyah - that's bad. Giving the wrong signal that S$$$ can solve problems. I say - give him the ROTAN!!! Don't 'spare the ROD and spoil the CHILD/MAN !!!!!'

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When driving /riding along the expressway, pls look out for drunk jay walkers trying to cross the road.

A DRUNK jaywalker who caused a fatal five-vehicle collision on an expressway was jailed for four weeks yesterday.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011