Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The 6th sense of Godly appreciation is certainly not a mental illness.

Originally Posted by WhiteSpade View Post
Re: Is religion a mental illness?
I think , what TS meant when this thread was created is - "Is religion actually a mental barrier" that people find hard to break?"
I guess the issue here is the choice of word used. It should be changed to "barrier" instead of "illness", since religion , IMO, is an issue that most people may struggle to overcome, for instance, "To convert or not? Should I become a Christian? "
And in this case, it should not be termed as a form of illness.

[Religion]: Discussion is good way forward.

Originally Posted by shines View Post
Discussion Thread: : Is religion a mental illness?
The topic "Is religion a mental illness" is plain rude even if TS meant it figuratively.
Hi Shines, whilst the term 'mental illness' might be intense and strong, I guess TS has explained his suspicion whilst at least explaining the context within which he perceives so.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Re: Is religion a mental illness?: A flawed comparison.

Originally Posted by crimsontactics View Post
Discussion Thread: : Is religion a mental illness?
Firstly, just a short disclaimer. I'm not trying to insult or degrade any specific racial or religious group or religion as a whole. Just as it's their rights to believe in and promote their chosen divine entitles or beliefs, I feel that it's my rights to be able to believe in my own opinions and to at least share my views. I'm Catholic btw, although I'm starting to doubt my own faith.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Did I do NS just to see my GST bill unnecessarily increase come 2017?

View Post wallacetan wrote:
The correct word is ROBBED with the force of law, show me anyone that will pay taxes willingly without the force of law..
Is it morally right to ROBBED one group to give to another group?
Haven't the 'rich' already paid 10x more in tax-dollars then the 'poor'?
You still want to squeeze more out of the 'rich'?

I have never advocated an over-sized bureaucracy.

Discuss thread: Property in Singapore taxed less than food and water...why?
Taxation and redistribution of wealth (Government) has nothing to to with "Capitalism". You can have commumist, democratic, Feudalistic Goverment.
We are discussing about how deep we want our Government to dig into our pockets. (Taxation)

Please say Yes to fixed rate GST.

View Post Inix wrote:
Discussion Thread: Property in Singapore taxed less than food and water...why?
As usual, you are making a mockery of yourself. The poor don't pay property tax. The rich does. The rich pays more in GST than the poor in terms of value. The rich don't get as much handouts from the government as the poor. GST does not cause a major dent in the normal day-to-day living. Other self-inflicted cost of living issues by the government did that.

Singapore Foreigner 13% stamp duty= 杀鸡儆猴

View Post tqx wrote:
You are still missing the point Property tax unlike GST is not based on consumption , you already pay 13% tax when you buy property as a foreigner at the point of buying

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Calculation to show that consumption tax rates for the poor are indeed higher than that enjoyed by the rich.

View Post wallacetan wrote:
Discussn Thread: Property in Singapore taxed less than food and water...why?
cherry6, I have posted 2 replies to your "using property tax to control property price inflation" and "poor subsidizing the rich" statements.

You don't like my answers?
Or you don't want to answer my questions?

Transparent consumption (property) taxes with rebates to all- a way forward towards a modern, compassionate and productive society.

View Post tqx wrote:
Property tax and GST got no relation at all other than they are both taxes. Like that you might as well say align Road tax with GST, align income tax with GST etc...GST is charged on a consumption basis , while property tax is charged on a recurring basis.
The government does not need additional income to redistribute wealth, we are running a surplus unlike Greece or France where taxes are high to provide money for social welfare.

Progressive property taxes towards the alleviation of poverty.

Original thread: Luxury in Singapore taxed less than food and water...why?
I guess the title was amended after tqx made his comments.
However, cherry6 should note that offering a property at one price, doesnt mean a person can sell it at that particular price. Otherwise, I can retire liao.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A 'growing GDP' or just a pig with lipstick?

View Post Shiny Things (05May2012) wrote:
Topic:'Interest rate' solution to inflation- a case of mere optical illusion?
This guy doesn't understand how monetary policy works.
The point of fiddling with interest rates is to control the price of money - and therefore the quantity of borrowing - and therefore the rate of economic growth. It has nothing to do with shifting things in and out of the CPI.