Quote Originally Posted by BuriramUnitedFC (16August2012) View Post
Source Thread: Singapore Ferrari Accident: does crime pay?
cherry, but you know it is normal for insurers to deny liability first right? legal liability is not so straightforward
Hi BuriramUnitedFC, I am not so much concerned if the insurers choose to deny liability, car owners/ drivers are not teenagers who don't have any ability to negotiate with the authorities- they can also seek advise from CASE, The Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd, free legal clinics (Hougang, every 3rd Tuesday of the mth [pdf][SBY-news]), their own personal legal council should they choose so- I think that insurance companies should compensate in so far as they are contractually liable to compensate and NOT to compensate (after having complied with all applicable laws, especially 'Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks and Compensation) Act (CHAPTER 189)').