PA and grassroots are political tools for PAP!
PA and grassroots are political tools for PAP! November 16th, 2013 | Author: Contributions/ Raja. To TRE, I am an Indian Singaporean currently working in Chennai for a decade now. |
PA and grassroots are political tools for PAP! November 16th, 2013 | Author: Contributions/ Raja. To TRE, I am an Indian Singaporean currently working in Chennai for a decade now. |
Re thread: ' One-off public transport voucher 'worth too little'' Applying for it a hassle, so poor go elsewhere for aid, say MPs, help agencies The lukewarm response to the one-off vouchers that are meant to help the poor cope with fare hikes could be due to the amount offered and hassle in applying for them, MPs and help agencies told The Straits Times. In Parliament on Monday, it was revealed that just over half of the 200,000 public transport vouchers available for needy residents to offset the fare increase in 2011 were taken up. |
The Straits Times, Published on Nov 07, 2013 My Point Termination fee not stated I WAS recently told by M1 that even though I had completed my 24-month home broadband contract, I would still need to pay a termination fee if I wanted to end the service. Why was the termination fee not made clear in the contract or on M1's website? Can the telco or the Infocomm Development Authority explain why there is a need for such a fee? Goh Hock Chai |
Original thread:
'[discussion] Encouraging locals to be in service industry'
no lah. even big mnc such as manufacturing coy, construction, etc
they will need alot of low skill workers.
but yeah, expecting sme to become high tech is very difficult.
SME lacks the know-how, resource and implementation time period.
(At Thread: Minister Heng says okay to go botak for school girls)
The reality is not many cancer patients who have lost their hairs during treatment actually go out without a wig? Only those who is still healthy and who want to show the world they have done something in support of cancer patients go around with a freshly shaven head. Therefor, what the school is doing is to impart to the girls not to show off their deeds if their volunteerism is sincerely from their heart. It should be a heart felt deed and not a show off deed. |
Re thread: [Utility tax] Is tax on tax equitable?
I agree with BicCherry that GST is collected once and not multiple times. The total cost to consumer is 7% as of now. However "Tax on Tax" is not uncommon. There are many such examples in Singapore and it happens in other countries as well. |
Re thread: Before we introduce the FT MP, how about reviewing the (duplicitous) GRC system of elections?
this is a thread abt GRC and it's redundancy...
well then do not use such a stupid (yes I used that word) title...
you want to attract views with use of "FT"??
and finally why are we FLOGGING this DEAD HORSE??
remove GRCs? OK sure why not? Would it ensure that the PAP will never govern again?
Re thread: A critique of the GRC system of elections in Singapore and a better solution forward
GRC system is good as it bring HDB upgrading faster. Else the HDB units all like haunted homes. |
Thread topic: Money printing (/borrowing) by Singapore government- how much is too much?
TS, where do you get the knowledge on this? Just from MAS website? I'm damn interested to know more. Thanks.I prefer to read a book in order to get the whole picture.
Discussion thread: '30K Investment'
I cannot predict what MAS will do this year or tomorrow.
Maybe it will do the "right thing" and stop printing and inflation maybe go to 0%, or maybe it will jump down the cliff with Abe and friends.
But the M1 and gold price are clear that in the past 12 years, SGD has had a net inflation of 400%. Also note that there are years where MAS kept the money supply relatively constant. Your actual experienced price rise in food may be around 200%-300% due to mitigation by increased food production/efficiency. Property OTOH may have increased more than money supply due to government policy of allowing large influx of foreign labour and restrained housing supply.
I use gold/silver as a barometer because its supply is relatively fixed in the world, unlike housing where more can always be built or food which is consumable and can be affected by weather, increased production.
I don't know what DBU is either [bold font added]
Thread: Future World in 2030?
Hmm I dont think hyperinflation would be an issue in singapore in 2030. Yes inflation is on the rise and will continue to be. But hyperinflation is one of the most extreme forms of inflation and I think the government would be able to control it.
An issue in 2030 could be outflux of talent. If singaporeans dont feel a strong enough sense of belonging and ownership to the country and the grass gets greener on the other side.
Robots seem to far a stretch too i feel?
What do the rest of you think?