Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is Google an evil company?

Originally Posted by bobo85 View Post
No need to be so hostile to homos, they can do as they wish, just that if they get HIV for instance, no reason for the state to pay for $$$ treatment for instance [caveat: sex education in school must be of good standard], and shouldn't suggest same sex marriage.

The way I see same sex marriage is like getting car license: U MUST first pass the eyesight/ color sight test- without which U cannot qualify no matter how well you pass basic theory/ the driving test (U shouldn't be allowed to take practical test in the first place). There is also the age criteria (18yrs IIRC) and if U pass on an Auto car, U are NOT licensed to drive a manual. (there are many restrictions on licenses and there are certain factors (age, eyesight) which can disqualify one automatically).

So is the same w LGBTs- nobody is stopping them from cohabiting just that in the area of child rearing, society remains of the opinion that a child shall grow up ideally with 2 parents, both of opposite sex (single parents often get child support from their ex-spouses/ child visitation rights as well).

Guess LGBT just do not qualify under the legal concept of marriage since such will have immense implications and cost burden to society regarding the concept of national service, jail houses (house feminine gays in female quarters/ male quarters?- how to decide, who decides?), rights to 'subsidised' HDB flats/ child adoption, divorce costs/ proceedings etc etc.

Can the law keep up with LGBTs change in sexual preferences and is marriage just a free pass to social benefit? Can a LGBT, having 'married' adopted a child now abandon him citing a change in personal sexual orientation?

Guess Google in standing up for gay rights is overdoing it by suggesting gay marriage even if their original intention were just to raise the profile of gays in society, asking to legalize gay marriage is going too far.

"legalizing love" is also a slippery slope concept, can a man who loves his dog/cat marry it and qualify for a HDB flat- what are the limits of morality?

AFAIK, there are no laws to penalize gays in Singapore except for very public buggery which is an obvious a public obscenity.

Any person, gay or otherwise should be judged upon his performance in the job concerned. The share price of Google is already very high (USD571.19 a piece at current [Yahoo Finance]) an immense rise from US$85 a piece- its 19Aug2004 IPO price, isn't that enough credit to its growth and profitability?

In short, Google's unofficial motto is "Don't be evil"- Google shouldn't be placing unnecessary strains on the morals of society simply to suite its company profitability.

For the unifocal purpose of corporate profitability, Google has decided to open the Pandora's box to gay marriage- in this respect, Google is an evil company.
12July2012: Google Wants to Legalize Same Sex Marriage Worldwide
12July2012: [LGBT]: Is Google an evil company?

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