Thursday, January 5, 2012

Keynes: Misplaced priorities, waylaid journey.

Originally Posted by wbwbwbwibi View Post
you can do better than this article.........
Uh huh? and what are you trying to say?
Please note that I'm not trying to say that the sky is falling, I only said that we are collecting the ingredients for WWIII, when it will happen I also didn't say.

My point was that how many of the senior leaders in the top 6 professions and earning the highest salaries really put society before self interest: 10% maybe? These guys take more than they give to society: lawyer, accountant, banker, MNC, Loc Mfc, Engineer [reference]; it is betrayal when the political leaders of Singapore elect to pay themselves like the richest tyrants of society. Yes, Keynesian economics [wiki] might have stimulated industry thus far, but it also brought us into this debt crisis, not much different from the one preempting WWII. With PAP Ministers designing their lifestyles after the pinnacle of lifestyles in Singapore, how long do you think it would be before "we are the 99%" momentum really succeeds in its 'occupy Shenton way' protests.

The problem with Keynesian economics is that it has provided governments the license of excuse from its core duty of helping firstly the poor, into using poverty as an excuse raise GDP (industrialist and bankers love a rising GDP as inflation and a growing economy brings them many customers indeed). The result of this practice being the financial bankruptcy of government all around the world, as runaway borrowing is needed for their endless economic stimulus plans. The economy is now addicted to low taxes, inflation and ever increasing 'stimulus', the core cause of the current $7.6T debt mentioned in the OP.

Put simply, inflation is like a cancer/ steroids. It makes people anxious and uneasy and gives them impetus to invest and consume, but in a bad way in either case as in an anxious state, there can be little quality in their options. Fatty food, fancy technology become par of course, like wise 'mini bonds [wiki]' were once the choice investment of the day.

There were consequences to deal with in the aftermath of the Madoff and the mini bond saga, both in similar period but at the opposite corners of the Earth. Both the consequence of poor government regulation leading to the masses being deceived.

Stripped of their savings by scams and unnecessary consumption during their working years, who is going to look after these people as they grow old?

Keynesian economics might be good for a party or two but to make every day a party seems like the highway to Hell.

You asked @[link] "Has the minister cut related w/Singapore recession.................?", my short answer to you would be yes, they cut their salaries because when the world recession is confirmed, Singapore would be included for sure.

06Jan2012: World’s Biggest Economies Face $7.6T Debt

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